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Born Free and Vintage Roots celebrating 10 years

By 25 November 2019June 16th, 2022No Comments

Vintage Roots are celebrating 10 years of raising money for Born Free with their own brand ‘Wild Thing’ wines.

The label design has been refreshed and they are offering a rare discount from their organic supplier, whilst still maintaining the full donation that helps benefit conservation and animal welfare.

Since 2009 Vintage Roots has supported the efforts of Born Free which is an international wildlife and conservation organisation. For every bottle from The Wild Thing collection sold, a donation is made to Born Free’s work to Keep Wildlife in the Wild.

King the Lion
Rescued from a Parisian apartment in October 2017 by the French charities, Fondation 30 Million d’Amis and Refuge de l’Arche, King was being kept illegally as an exotic pet in a small dirty cage.

Beaten and kicked by his owner who posted images of the abuse on social media, he was rehabilitated at Natuurhulpcentrum Rescue Centre in Belgium. Then Born Free relocated him to its big cat sanctuary at Shamwari Private Game Reserve in South Africa. He now lives there with lifetime care, free from harm in a natural enclosure.

The donations from the Vintage Roots Wild Thing collection help fund King’s care including food veterinary care and enclosure maintenance.

You can find out more about Born Free’s work here:

“Born Free is working hard to tackle the wildlife trade and were delighted we could give King a lifetime home at Shamwari. It was an incredible moment when King bounded out of his travel crate at Shamwari – the whole team were elated and relieved to see him so relaxed despite his long journey and new surroundings.”

Vintage Roots Festive Drinks Offers
You can buy the Wild Things product range along with many other wines, drinks and speciality tipples, all at reduced prices, in the Vintage Roots Festive Season Offers 2019. All the wines included in the offers are vegan and 100% certified organic. Offer pricing is available until 7th January, click here to download the trade catalogue.


“It is staggering that lion cubs are still finding their way into the pet trade in Europe. Tragically, millions of wild animals around the world, including reptiles, birds and mammals are kept as exotic ‘pets’, many illegally – like King. Wild animals, whether wild-caught or bred in captivity, have complex behavioural, social and psychological needs and can suffer greatly when kept as pets.”

(Maggie Balaskas, Born Free’s Animal Rescue & Care Manager)

“ Thank you for choosing to buy the Wild Thing range of wines from Vintage Roots. By doing so, a donation is made to us on your behalf which will be specifically used to fund the lifetime care of King, the lion. King was rescued from a Parisian apartment, and now lives in Shamwari, a private game reserve in South Africa.”

(Matt Smithers, Head of Fundraising)

Born Free-Black-LAN-CMYK.jpg
King June 2019 (c) Claire Radloff, Shamwari (11).JPG
Virginia McKenna OBE Co-founder of Born Free Foundation

Virginia McKenna OBE
Co-founder of Born Free Foundation

“Born Free is working hard to tackle the wildlife trade and were delighted we could give King a lifetime home at Shamwari. It was an incredible moment when King bounded out of his travel crate at Shamwari – the whole team were elated and relieved to…

“Born Free is working hard to tackle the wildlife trade and were delighted we could give King a lifetime home at Shamwari. It was an incredible moment when King bounded out of his travel crate at Shamwari – the whole team were elated and relieved to see him so relaxed despite his long journey and new surroundings.”

Safe from harm in his spacious, natural bush enclosure, King is often found high up on his platform surveying the African landscape.