The OTB board of directors is delighted to announce two new membership rates, one for farmers and growers*and the other for companies with a turnover up to £1million.

Photo of William Burgess with his bothers, Andrew and Jason. Photo taken by Kersten Rogers
The new member rate for farmers and growers was proposed by William Burgess, OTB Membership Director and MD of Produce World, and a fourth generation farmer. It is in recognition that organic farmers and growers are the backbone of the organic sector. The proposal was accepted by the Membership Committee and the Board of Directors.
The new lower membership rate of £200 will also bring into the membership smaller enterprises and businesses so they too can benefit from being part of the OTB community. Making the OTB representative of the whole of the UK organic supply chain and sector, from field to plate.
Everyone within the organic supply chain and across all sectors has a vested interest in driving demand for organic sales, whether it’s via direct or indirect benefit, growing the market for organic benefits all. The OTB is currently the only UK organisation that is focused on increasing sales, through it’s campaign and working with members and partners on behalf of everyone involved across the whole sector and across all the devolved nations
Farmers and Growers
A new rate has been introduced for farmers and growers* of £100 plus VAT per annum.
Turnover up to £1 million
A new annual membership rate of £200 plus VAT has also been introduced for members with a turnover up to £1million.

VAT introduction
The OTB has become VAT registered and therefore membership fees are now subject to VAT.
Updated membership rates
The new tiered annual membership rates are:
Turnover up to £1m = £200 + VAT
Turnover between £1m – £10m = £400 +VAT
Turnover between £10m – £25m = £600 +VAT
Turnover between £25m – £50m = £800 +VAT
Turnover between £50m – £100m = £1,000 + VAT
£100m turnover and over = £2,000 +VAT
Farmers and growers (non packing/processing) = £100 + VAT
If you are already a member and are currently paying £400 annual membership fee and your turnover is below £1million we will be in touch when your membership renewal is due to review your fee rate.
Interested in joining?
The OTB team is reviewing and developing new member benefits, including a new members’ directory which will be included on our new B2C website.
Other current membership benefits include:
Access to our OTB Members hub (password protected) with market data, organic market presentations to share with your retailer contacts, events calendar, evidence library and more
Exclusive access to the annual Organic Market report the OTB commission to KANTAR
New member blogpost on our news page when you join, shared via our newsletter and LinkedIn page
Post on one of B2C social media channel’s when you join
Our @OrganicUK channels are currently reaching a combined audience over 120k followers (Facebook 94k followers / Instagram 21.2k followers/ Twitter 16.9k followers)
Listing on the OTB B2B website
Opportunities to engage with our campaign activity
Annual briefing, meetings and webinars for networking opportunities
Sharing your news via our B2B newsletter (over 500 member contacts) , and LinkedIn page (900+ Audience)
Access to our closed LinkedIn OTB members group
Listing on planned membership directory on (live beginning of 2021)
Opportunity to share offers, competition, news and job openings on our B2C website
Campaign engagement on social media
Opportunity to pledge and contribute to our campaign
If you would like to find out more about joining please email Annie Seeley.
*Farmers and growers who don’t process or pack produce.