Organic September in 2020 marks the first year that the OTB is partnering with the Soil Association and other certifiers, farmers, brands and retailers to spread the word that by buying organic we are supporting a system that works with nature to help it restore itself.
Over the last two years or so climate change and the negative impact we are having on the environment has been on everyone’s lips and the one word that’s been missing from the conversation is ‘organic’.
This year’s campaign will bring together the whole of the organic sector to get the message out to consumers that by making one small swap in their shopping basket to organic, they can make a world of difference.
By purchasing organic they are supporting farmers that work in harmony with nature.
How to get involved
To find out more, go to our new B2C website, GoOrganicUK.com about how you can make a difference. You can download assets from here including social media posts – please tag @OrganicUK with the hashtag #OrganicSeptember
Support your local independent retailer
On 5 September hundreds of independent retailers all over the country will be taking part in Organic September Saturday campaign, where by purchasing an organic product you will receive a pack of free organic British wild flower seeds.
Scroll down to find your local participating store here.

This one day campaign connects people directly with nature through buying organic products and gives them an easy away to help restore nature by planting flowers for pollinators.
Wildflowers attract all kinds of pollinators like bees and beneficial insects to your garden, and when in full bloom, they look great too.
If you are interested in finding out how to become an OTB member, use the contact form on our website here.