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Arc 2031 Exhibition

By 13 September 2021May 24th, 2022No Comments

At the beginning of Organic September we published the Arc 2031 Research which revealed the 10 most endangered species in the UK due to industrialised food production and pesticide use.

The 10 species will be showcased at an exhibition at Ham Studios in central London from 23-25 September.

The ARC 2031 exhibition, a natural history exhibition bringing together for the first time 10 species of British wildlife most at risk, due to the industrialisation of food production and the excessive use of harmful pesticides.

The list includes mammals, insects, flowers and birds and during your visit you will see the stories of the species identified by research with The Horniman Museum – all of which could be protected if we make some small, and easy, changes, such as buying more produce that’s grown organically as this supports farmers and producers who are working in harmony with nature in a way that supports wildlife and biodiversity.

Read more about the 10 species and what we can do to help save them on our GoOrganicUK website.