Photo by Anna Hobbs, Bumblebee Conservation Trust A group of six organic dairy farmers from Calon Wen Organic Milk Cooperative have increased pollinator numbers on their farms across Wales. They...
The National Trust recently published the results of a ‘full health check’ into the biodiversity, carbon levels and public accessibility of Wimpole Home Farm, their organic farm near Cambridge. The...
The US Organic Trade Association reports that the Covid-19 crisis has had dramatic consequences for the organic sector in 2020. In a time of turbulence shoppers are looking for food...
Defra has released the organic farming statistics for the UK in 2019, it presents estimates of the land area farmed organically, crop areas, livestock numbers and the numbers of organic...
An update from Harriet O’Regan, OTB Marketing Director If the last two months have taught us something, it is to appreciate. Appreciate our own and our loved ones’ health, our...
Triodos Bank recently published their Annual Report for 2019 and it includes information on the impact that the bank’s lending is having across Europe. The section on organic farming and...
Photo from the Soil Association On 12th March our industry came together to hear the organic industry plans to develop the organic market in a post-Brexit world and to capitalise on...
The OTB’s marketing committee is formulating a new organic campaign strategy that will put organic on the sustainability agenda for consumers and retailers. OTB members can book tickets here. If...
A report published by the Finnish Organic Food Association Pro Luomu* has found that sales of organic food increased from €163m in 2011 to €368m in 2019. In terms of...
The latest global data on organic farming worldwide was presented by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and IFOAM - Organics International at BIOFACH last week. According to the...